I have had comments and ad hoc reviews of this book through many different venues.
So far the comments and reviews have been very upbuilding and positive from those who have read the book. I have received some bad and also very ugly reviews from people who have not read the entire book. Perhaps they feel very qualified after having perused this book promotion site and watched the video. I would prefer to receive commentary and reviews from people who have thoroughly examined and contemplated the book. Obviously the commentary and reviews from those who have will be more valuable than those who have not however, if you have not read it and still feel qualified then please don't hesitate to contact me.
I am certain that many people will be curious about what others might have to say. I hope in the future to sort them out and publish in a "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" page. For this reason I ask that you only contact me agreeing that what you say may be available for the whole world to see.
Click the "contact me" button below and a contact form will appear: